My Protector’s Song

Please, do not call me evil
Do not call my song one of haunting
I received it in my dreams
I know it’s source

And don’t call it an evil dream
Do not call me an evil man
I’ve been cautious of everything
I’ve been protected forever

I’ve kept my gris-gris around my neck
Filled with the little things that matter
It’s been warding me from anything malicious
So, my dream came from nothing evil
So, my song is nothing demented

I’ve kept the glass bottle tree outside my door
Those bottles are filled with the demons who have never gotten me
Attracted to that shiny bottle in front of my home
They all fell asleep inside it
So, my dream is nothing evil
So, my song is nothing demented

I’ve kept all my mirrors pointed away from my bed
My rest is not haunted by those devils from the other places
So, my dream is nothing evil
So, my song is nothing demented

Do not question me here
It was my guardian who sent it to me
Floating above me, she sang sweetly
And told me what I was to do

She said I had to remember this song
And write it for you
A new song for us

The thing is, I didn’t write it down
And now I have forgotten it
I think my guardian will be a bit perturbed
Sorry for having to have wasted your time
But I did get her message!


Bits of Love