My Personal Saint

Pass by it all, faster till slow

Touch it with your hands

Unite, unite, destroy, disband

Hey, hey, slip on down to the part you hate

Shattering all the glass, letting it fall to the ground

A bunny rabbit was the saint walking into your house

Bouncing past the wreckage of your home and soul

The bunny Saint came that day, and it took you away

Now, now you can play another day

And I’m still traversing the home

Looking for my own personal Saint

Oh, hey! Save me

Oh, hey! Leave me.

Leave it all to the dog on the floor by the bog

Leave it all to the child shooting up and falling into the edge

Oh, hey!

Conjoined into a dance move

Amorphous body super suit

I am me, I am the things of nonsense

Dressed up in ideas and fantasies

Dressed up in all my sugar, I’m ready for the mouth

Ready for the mouth that will eat me

The destiny that the dog in the bog has for me

The gift the kid shooting up on the block will give me

I must find my personal Saint

You got yours first

Awakened in the afterglow of a hazy nightmare

“The fish will fly and the kids will die”

Were the words you said before you found a savior

And you held my hand, leaving me suddenly

As the bunny hopped over the dog

Bunny Saint! Bunny Saint!

It had came to take you away

Left me in the bog with the dog

The kid shooting up on the sidewalk

Wandering the halls of my open mind

As the colors swarm me and the enemies wear disguise

I am lost in the sea of sound

There was someone else

Sanity or sanitation, or Satan

Their hand on my back

Pushing me off the ground

“Oh, hey!” I yelled

Hey, hey, fuck

Her name:

Her name:

She had a name, attached to the churning wall

She was here once, gone away now

Pushed me forward with earnesty

Before I was falling. Now, flung into the sky

Personal saint, personal saint

Her Bunny Saint took her away

I want my personal saint

Save me from the fall.


Bits of Love


Unbridled To You, Unbroken From You